Awaken your inner radiance and revitalize your spirit. Discover the secrets to maintaining a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, day in and day out. At BeautifulMagazine.Biz, we are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed to embrace your natural beauty. From skincare tips to holistic wellness practices, let us guide you on a journey towards a more vibrant and confident you. Here is a healthy list to add to your daily routine. While we understand that every day is just not possible, but trying to incorporate these thing on most days, should give you a great beauty boost for the New Year! Start your transformation today and let your radiance shine from within!

1. Drink more water

Drinking more water can help you burn more calories by regulating your metabolism, which is your body’s ability to convert food into energy. Studies have shown that drinking more than four bottles of water per day, your metabolism could speed up as much as 30%. Plus, studies show that people who drink more water tend to have clearer skin. On top of that, water can give your skin a healthy glow!

2. Doing your make-up daily.

I try to put make-up on daily. I feel that looking my best every day makes me feel better and in turn it makes me feel more productive. Although this is nearly impossible every day, I strive for most days. Even a little make-up goes a long ways. Some days just a natural quick light mascara, concealer or lipstick will do the trick to bring out my beauty features. On other days a full glam makeover is fun. No make-up is also great if you’re a natural kind of gal. Whichever way makes you feel the best, is the best for you!

3. Working out.

Okay, this one is one that I am going to do regularly this year! Working out has so many benefits. It makes us feel better, it makes us have more energy and it can even add years to our life. Not to mention it makes us look better. I can tell you that I have started working out 5 days a week and it has literally changed the way I feel.

4. More self-care.

I am adding more self care to my daily routine this year. Obviously, by working out five days a week, as I mentioned above. But I am also focusing on adding bath salts (epson salts) to my bath water and a few drops of essential oils. It is very soothing to me, it relieves my stress and it makes me smell wonderful. Epson salts contain magnesium, which removes toxins.

5. Exfoliate

I believe this one is overlooked by many. I do exfoliate but not often enough! This year I am looking forward to exfoliate my skin once or twice a week. I use an organic sugar/ honey scrub gently on my face ( avoid your eyes) using soft little circles and then rinsing with warm clean water. I believe this is so important! Your skin will glow, radiate and be so much youthful looking after exfoliating. I’m a huge fan of this, and I will be doing this more often this year!

5. Less stress.

I will worry less this year. Worrying doesn’t solve anything and it can even make us sick. I don’t know about you but I am done with the worry. No more worrying this year! I will show up, I will do my best, and I will worry less. I will focus on positivity, kindness and caring above all else. I also read something long ago that stated ” if you are worrying, do something productive instead of worry”. Boy, does that advise work! Everytime I catch myself worrying…I say “hmmm, don’t I have something better to do?’ LOL 😀

Just some of my improvements in my life that I am making this year. I hope all is well! Happy NEW YEAR!!!


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How To Look Refreshed Every Day

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