Cell Phone Cleanse ( do this yearly ) 

 This year I am doing a cell phone cleanse to start the new year right. I am decluttering my cell phone screen. I want it fresh, clean and organized to start this New Year! 

1. To make a fresh start I am removing any apps that I no longer use. There are many 😂 LOL

 2. I am purging all my emails, I don’t know about you but I have way to many!

3. I am purging all my duplicate photos and/or unwanted photos.      

4. I am purging all my old voicemails, recent calls, notes, videos and pretty much everything that is no longer needed.   

 I usually do not like being on my cell phone a whole lot, but I do this yearly and it really helps clear the path for the New Year. It helps me mentally and I feel much lighter after doing it! I also like to change and simplify my screensaver to something new and fresh. This is one of my favorite things to do when each New Year begins. Out with the old, in with the new. I love to make room for all the new, great things that the new year is going to bring!                                                                               


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