Discover the Amazing Benefits of Lemongrass

Some people need more sleep than others. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults above 18 get seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Good sleep habits consist of

1. Going to bed at the same time every night.

2. No screen time in bed.

3. Try not to eat before bedtime.

4. Your bedroom should be quiet ( no TV and no screens).

5. Sleep every night avoiding all-nighters.

If you’ve ever had problems sleeping at night and feel tired as you wake up in the morning, Lemongrass essential oil may be just what you need. A friend of mine suggested to rub 3 drops of Lemon Grass Essential Oil onto the soul of my feel ( each foot 3 drops / 6 drops total ) and now I sleep much better and wake up feeling well rested. I feel a sense of relaxation as I rub the Lemon grass on and I also feel well rested and I have much more energy to start my day off. Please comment below if you have tried this. Spoil and pamper yourself!

You can find the Lemongrass essential oil here.

Research has found several potential health benefits of lemongrass. Lemongrass is a rich source of flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which contain antioxidants. It’s also an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

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